Why are we debating over who's at fault? Just clean the damn bird, worry about the politics later. The more action we take, the more answers we get, and eventually those responsible will be brought to justice. When climate change can do this:
Why are we debating if it's true or not? Rally the people that do care, and get something done. One voice is pointless in a big crowd, but when you spread the word, and entire crowd and all start saying the same thing. When logging companies do this:
Why are we wasting time blaming and crying outrage? PLANT and stop them. Complaining does nothing, doing does...well everything. I help the planet every day. Everyday. I recycle a lot more than I ever have, I am more mindful of the plastics that I use, I conserve fuel and I have a hybrid car, I use phosphate free soaps and green seal cleaning products, I shut off lights, I pick up litter, blah blah BLAH. Every one of you can do something. Simple, stupid little things that don't mean much if only one person is doing it, but imagine the power of 1,000 people following suit. 10,000. 1,000,000. 1,000,000,000? Doing the right thing can be scary, or even difficult, but once someone starts it becomes contagious. Why don't you try spreading the bug? Think about it.
Bird in Oil spill picture obtained from here.
Polar Bear picture obtained from here.
Deforestation picture obtained from here.