There are many times when work will interfere with family time. I see a lot of places that are open 24/7, regardless of holidays. I have also seen other business offer time and a half, or double time to people that will work over the holidays. We reward such behavior opposed to...not forbidding it, but encouraging it.
Humans work. Humans work and work and work, and I must say that humans aren't meant to work like this. No person is. I've heard of many cases far east of people literally working themselves to death. To death! What are we saying about humanity when we can't even stop working to survive?
Laziness and diligence are two sides of the same coin. Most don't realize this. You can be too lazy. Get nothing done, neglect your health, hygiene, relationships. You can also be too diligent. The symptoms can also be similar, if you think about it.
There is nothing wrong with working hard. Nothing at all. But there is something wrong when all you do is work. Even for people that don't celebrate any holidays, don't have any family, what- they are supposed to work? They can toil while the "real" people with a family and a holiday enjoy themselves? This isn't right.
Work. Work hard. But know when it's time to take a break. Contrary to popular belief, working too hard actually inhibits productivity. And. It can also kill you.
Take a break.