Okay, so Budget is looking to expand its carpet cleaning and commercial cleaning accounts into Bergen County, New Jersey. No, now wait- this isn't an advertisement. I'm not gonna do that on this blog. This is a...collection? Shall we say? Of my thoughts and worries.
It's exciting, I will say that. Starting up in a new place, meeting new people, gaining new clients, new money. The rewards are great, but there is always the thought- will this work? Can we do it right now? Will we find clients? Will we find too many clients? And let's not forget about (wo)manpower. There's a lot to do here, but I'm ready for it. Expansion is typically a logical step towards the total financial health of a company. But, like most endeavors, high reward means high risk.
I personally have never done, or even been involved in anything like this, and its is equal parts scary and exhilarating. There was a time in my life where something so...unpredictable would have been unthinkable to even plan, rather than commit to. But. Thousands upon thousands of people do this every day in their own business, so why can't I? There is no reason. I can.
So I pose this question to you- ever expanded your business? Been part of an expansion? I'd like to chat about this. Leave a comment, and we'll get to gabbin'.
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