Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Change is Good for Green

     Believe it or not, I have a lot of fun here at Budget. Yeah, really. I know, I thought the same thing when I first came into it. I was unsure of how much there would be to do, unsure if I would even enjoy it. But after just two months of working here when this entry was written? I love it. Bored already? Don't be. It gets better, give me a second.
     The whole point of all that self indulgent blather is to make a point. That point is change. Change. Ooooh! Scary word, big word! This biggest six letter word there is. It can spark fights, even wars, destroy lives, create lives, it is one of the most powerful things in the universe. So why am I talking about it? Rough crowd...rough crowd.
     Because it's essential. Even the small stuff. Like a toothpaste brand. I know people that have been brushing with the same damn toothpaste brand for decades. Decades! And they never get sick of it! I change every time I get a new tube, I can't stand the stagnation. That goes for everything.
     Next point, here we go. Cleaning is change. I've heard for quite some time now, oh, green cleaning doesn't work, I like the smell of bleach and ammonia that's how I know it's clean! Alright then. You've forced me to do this. No, no! There's no turning back now. Answer this question honestly, you non-believers. Would you pour bleach into an open cut to disinfect it? Not a solution, mind you. Straight out of the flippin' bottle. Of course not! If you seriously said yes, please navigate here. Well, what about peroxide? You know, good old bubblin', foamin' hydrogen peroxide? Of course you would! Here's a fact for you. Bleach destroys 100.00% of germs when placed on a surface. Hydrogen peroxide kills 99.99% of germs when placed on surface. Hydrogen peroxide just so happens to be the main ingredient in the cleaning solution we use the most here at Budget. Now. One last question.
     If you wouldn't pour bleach on an open wound to clean it, why would you eat off a surface that was cleaned with it? All because of 00.01%? Unless you work in a hospital, or similar situation where sterility is a must and not a desire, I'm pretty sure your immune system can handle it. Know what else works really well? White distilled vinegar. Oh yeah. Fantastic cleaner, and the odor dissipates faster than bleach or ammonia ever will.
     So the next time you go to clean with bleach, or want us to clean with bleach, remember what I wrote and go to this website, or this one. Try it out, make the change! Forget what you know, or think you know, and just give it a try. You won't regret it, I promise.

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