Wednesday, September 29, 2010

United States Free of Fossil Fuels?!

Free from the Fossil Fuel Burden?

     I saw this article during one of my many journeys, and I just had to blog about it. It seems pretty interesting to me, and I am not sure if we can do it. Don't get me wrong, I have hope. But...I'm not sure if enough people are on board for such a drastic change in how the United States of America runs its economy and industry. I mean, fossil fuel is the blood coursing through this continent. Are we ready for this?
     Me, I am. We may not be ready, but I am. I am totally ready. I have a hybrid car myself, and I tell you I've never saved so much money on gas. Right now my wife uses it, and I’ll be honest. I use another car (also fuel efficient, I wouldn't have it any other way) to go to and from work, but I still see the savings. It's dramatic. The car I drive now, too. I rarely have to fill up. Anyway, I digress. Green cleaning products are one thing. Starting up a recycling program another, but this? In twenty years?
     I'm excited. A future that's green? It's all I could hope for, at a lot of my generation (I'm 25) as well. I love this planet; after all it's my home. I don't consider a house a home in the grand scheme of things. We can take care of our houses, apartments, condos, mansions, whatever, but what is the damn thing built on? EARTH! That's my true home. That's every Earthling's true home. Are you ready to move off of fossil fuels?
     Think about it.

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