Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Point the Finger at Yourself

Across my time in the working world, I've noticed something. There are leaders, and then there are bosses. And the difference is very simple. Leaders point the finger at themselves when there are problems in the business, and bosses blame everyone else. What do I mean?

I've worked under, and with, many different people all on different parts of the personality spectrum. I've dealt with individuals that are centered merely on themselves, saying that they "work harder than anyone here". I've worked with people that do nothing but complain, and often? They are complaining about everyone else. If they don't complete a task, they often have a laundry list of outside excuses that involve everyone except...guess. Who.


Leaders and bosses differ because leaders want to improve, learn, and uh, LEAD. Bosses do just that- be bossy. Superfluous delegation, martyrism, shifting the blame. Leaders see a problem and think about how they can fix it, and how they can prevent it from happening again. Bosses see a problem and then says, "not my job!" and then assign someone below them to take care of the situation.

Business owners all over the world should all strive to be leaders. Someone workers and managerial staff can look to for answers, wisdom, and guidance. And all too often, business owners and other executive staff point the finger at everyone else but...


See a pattern? If something is wrong in your business, take some damn initiative and fix it. Matter of fact, why don't you get started right now? I know I will.

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