Stress from your job can trap you by itself. But there are other aspects of work that we can fall into and not even recognize that we are doing ourselves harm. This article discusses the aspects of self-enslavement, especially at work. We trap ourselves within our own lives- too many activities, too many jobs, not enough vacations. Many people that I know have enslaved themselves.
We constantly tell ourselves that we must work more. More activity to cram into a day, more work to get ahead, more strain, stress, and worry. People all around the world (including America) are literally working themselves to death, and it is socially acceptable.
And that's the tragedy.
Work should support your life, not become it. No living being was meant to work for as long or hard as humans do, or force others to do. You work to (hopefully) be fulfilled, and to support yourself and/or your family. Work has a duty to support you, not trap you inside a cage.
Working hard is fine. Don't get me wrong. But I've said it before, and I'll say it again- there are so many more things to life than just work. And there are so many more things to life than not working! The key is simply balance, and that my friend, is not what humanity has. The scales are tipping toward toil and death, and it's time to lighten things up, no matter how grim any given situation is.
Lighten up!