Friday, September 21, 2012

Struggle and Reward

Business is hard. Whether you're in the workforce, or running a company of your own, sometimes business stops being work and starts becoming your life. It's a never-ending struggle- it truly is. Between problems with equipment, supplies, timing, vehicles, payment, hiring, AAAAAGGGHHHH! It gets really difficult.

But, most people don't stop. If they do stop, it could be for a whole variety of reasons, but for now, let's focus on not giving up. What does it mean, not to give up? Does it mean to abandon an concept of failure? Or does it mean something more metaphorical? Sometimes, businesses fail not because their owners didn't beleive in them. Didn't work hard enough for them. Sometimes they do, which begs the question, what does not giving up mean?

With some things, the concept is easy to grasp. Like, learning to ride a bicycle, or learning to play your favorite song on an instrument. But with more grand ideas (by grand I mean large) the concept of "not giving up" gets lost in the sheer amount of problems and garbage and stress that men and women must endure. There is struggle. And there are rewards. Do we not give up because of rewards, or do we not give up because we don't want to struggle? Is freeing ourselves from struggle the reward? Hell, I dunno.

I work because I can. I don't have to do anything. I chose to do this, I am choosing to do this. Many other people are just like me. You don't' have to do anything you don't want to do, you just must be ready to deal with the consequences of your actions. So that's why I don't give up. Because I choose to. That's my reason. Whenever life gets difficult, or problems arise in my line of work, I don't just throw my hands up and submit. I choose to keep going, to keep solving, to keep evolving, thinking, doing, becoming. It's why I don't give up. My "reward" is the satisfaction of knowing that I didn't let random occurances in life beat me. My "reward" is knowing I have the freedom to quit at any time, but never do. My "reward" is being alive, struggling, and then laughing the in the face of my obstacles when I overcome them, in business, and in life.

What's your reason for not giving up? I hope you have an answer, because if you don't...I fear for you.

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