Monday, June 9, 2014

Motivation- A Finite Resource?

Critical for success, but elusive to attain. In my mind, motivation is most certainly a finite resource. Especially in business, where people are motivated by a multitude of things, it is something that should not be taken lightly, and should be moved upon when felt.

Motivation at work can dwindle. Many things can come into play here of course, but on the whole, I've experienced that motivation is more like a tide, whether I am describing myself, or the overall driving force that a company may have.

It's infectious- it will pass from person to person subconsciously, a little cheerleader to make sure all of your tasks, projects, hopes and dreams get fulfilled. But like I said before, motivation has an ebb and flow, something that many do not recognize, and only end up spinning their tires.

What motivates you? Your employees? Do you know? How is morale? Do your employees think they are being paid and treated fairly? What's your turnover rate like? Sales? Payroll? Ever single one of these business facets are directly related to the collective motivation of any one company.

Motivation needs to start with someone. Anyone! Best is an owner or executive, but it is something to be monitored on all levels of business. If you and your team are not motivated to work, develop, and grow your company, don't get mad.

Figure it out. Perhaps if you're unmotivated, you are now.

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