Social Media Marketing, or S.M.M., is the wave of the future. However, I am sure that some of you reading this may be skeptical, or have tried using Twitter, Facebook, maybe even a blog like this, and numerous other networks to try and promote your business. For all you skeptics, and heartbroken business owners that have been "burned" by S.M.M. tactics in the past, listen up.
When it comes to S.M.M., DON'T GET DISCOURAGED! The climate of business in America has changed drastically (in case you've been on Pluto in a cave and didn't know), and people aren't as receptive to "scream marketing", like billboards, signs, and cold calls. Don't get me wrong, they still work to a degree, they are just not as powerful anymore. No, people now have their own doctorate in research thanks to the internet, and if they hear about you, they
will hunt you down. That's what makes S.M.M. so important. It's all about relevancy.
I update my blog, my Twitter accounts, Budget's Website, Facebook, LinkedIn, every one of those, daily. Often, more than once a day. That's the key. Logging onto Twitter once and Tweeting "EAT AT JOE'S" won't work. You must be stable and committed to constantly making yourself fresh, providing quality, seeing what's driving business to you, and getting rid of the stuff that isn't working. It's a constant cycle that must never cease. It's the endurance that makes a lot of people give up when they don't see business coming to their door through S.M.M. within the first month.
Combining S.M.M. with Scream Marketing makes for an effective synergy that puts your company out there for all to see all the time. Get Google Analytics on your website (you do have one, right? Talk to your webmaster), set up some Google Alerts, get an account for Google Places. It's all free, and it helps you do one thing. STAY RELEVANT. You gotta stay on the radar, or you will disappear into the ether that is the web.
This is the future. It's only going to get more and more prominent. Shift your marketing and sales force. Using both Scream Marketing and S.M.M. will get you out there, and dare I say? You may even
enjoy writing on Twitter, or in a blog. GASP! Why haven't you started a Social Media Marketing plan yet?
Think about it.