Well, I just learned something absolutely terrifying. If you...didn't read my title. We all know that global warming is a big problem. Not a backburner kinda thing, no way. Well, thanks to this article:
New Shipping Lanes in the Arctic the already BAD problem in Antarctica is getting worse due to new trade routes opening up because of ice melting. And that's only the half of it (check out the link, it's an interesting article). Is it really that hard to be more environmentally conscious? Is it really? No.
Small steps are easy. Here at Budget, we started recycling all of our paper office waste, like envelopes, copy paper, scrap paper, everything. One change right there. I don't have to tell you. Working in an office? There's a LOT of paper, and we're trying to recycle all of it. It's a simple way to help conserve our forests. Say what you want about deforestation, we get paper from trees and we have to be more careful about it. Period.

If you have a dishwasher, another simple step you can take it simply turn off the faucet in-between placing a rinsed dish in the dishwasher and getting another dirty one ready. I do this, and you wouldn't believe how much water you can save. You wouldn't really think of it that way, would you? Maybe you're skeptical. Well, the next time you do dishes, listen to the white noise of the faucet. Every second is precious freshwater wasted. We need that stuff to LIVE. Why not conserve it? It really is not that hard. Take short showers. Turn off the water while brushing your teeth. Drink all the water you take from the faucet. If you MUST throw the water out, throw it outside where it can be used by plants. Simple things mean a lot if
everyone is doing it.

Another big pet peeve is littering. I mean, come on. Really? Are we
really littering in this day and age? When I go to a park, I see beer cans floating in the lake. When I walk outside, I see fast food wrappers strewn on the side of the road. I've even had litter dumped on my driveway from careless passersby. Are you really that lazy? If you are, I have some tips for you, then. If you have a lot of junk in your car, pull alongside your dumpster or trashcan and walk a total of 3 feet to dump out your cartrash quickly. It's easy. You have an ashtray in your car, don't you? STOP throwing out cigarette butts. They can start fires, and they are
LOADED with hazardous chemicals that go into the ground. Get an empty soda can with some water in the bottom of it. Place it in your car. BOOM! Instant ashtray. Cut it open when you're done, dump out the junk into a bin, and recycle the can. See? It's not hard, I swear.

PHew! Back to the main point. The whole reason why I went on this tangent was simply to show you that it's easy to start being environmentally conscious. These small steps might lead to something more. Something like, gee, I don't know.
Not pumping more ozone boosting bi-products into the Antarctic air because humans are ruthless opportunists? Think about it.
Recycling Paper bin picture obtained from
this site.Dishwasher picture obtained from
this site.
Virgina's Anti-littering Poster obtained from
this site.
Polar Bear picture obtained from
this site.
I liked ur blogs very much and image formant is very helpful.
ReplyDeleteCommercial Dishwasher
Thank you. I know this is a long time coming, but I just noticed your comment. Thank you again.