Friday, October 1, 2010

The Pros and Cons of Sustainabilty

Pros and Cons<---Click Here for Link

     I saw this article, and I thought it would be interesting to share. I am all for sustainable energy. In case you couldn't tell, I am very much pro-environment, and I try to do everything I can to help preserve this planet for my and my children's futures. I decided that just being pro-green isn't enough, and I wanted to find out why more people don't do it, or why there hasn't been an absolutely overwhelming push from government or big business.
     The article listed in the link above states many things, but the undercurrent is always money. This first objection to green energy is "time it will take to recover [these] initial costs is in the neighborhood of ten to fifteen years." It boils down to money, even though this type of energy is the future. How sad. How sad is it that in regards to the dollar, we cannot commit to cleaner energy? Easy isn’t working for us anymore. We burn through oil (pun intended) and leave the traces of it in the air. It doesn't come back as quickly as a breeze, or the sun. Fossil fuels take a LONG time in their creation process. It involves a lot of heat, pressure, and a couple of "X" factors to ensure proper formation. It is renewable, yes, but not in my generation, and for MANY generations to come. Fossil fuels are called such for a reason- they are formed from ancient decaying life forms long before humans ever set foot on the Earth.
     We use fossil fuels as energy cliff notes. It's quick, it's handy, but you miss the whole picture. We won't be seeing any newly formed fossil fuels anytime soon. However. The last time I checked, the sun rose this morning, and the wind's blowing. And those are just two easy examples. Bottom line, we need to get past the wall of fear that is cost, and start being more sustainable. Debt, debt, debt, yes, but what good is being debt free without a planet to live on?
     Think about it.

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