Monday, October 11, 2010

Green Cleaning Phonies --- Greenwashing Scams

     Ever hear of greenwashing? It's the practice of marketing a product as a green product, but. Well? Bluntly put, lying about it. Oh, it's done, and it's not as difficult to pass it off as you think. In all honesty, you're cleaning product could actually be the color green, and have an oak tree on the bottle and you could mince words and say something thing, "try out new green cleaning product!" See how it never mentions anything concrete about what is actually in the bottle? Beware of this kind of stuff.
     By default, cleaning products can be pretty harsh. They kill germs, they dissolve dirt, they polish and protect. These terms are pretty powerful verbs, and often involve a serious batch of chemicals to pull off. Budget uses green, and normal cleaning products. Some customers just don't want us using green products, but let's consider the options here.
     Check out some benefits to green cleaning taken right off our website. They're all true. And do you know why we can say they're all true? Because we use green seal certified products when we service a home or office with a green cleaning. Period. If you are ever skeptical about a green cleaning product boasting general terms such as, "all natural", "organic", "completely safe". Look for the green seal certification, or an E.P.A. certification. Read the label, see what's in the product before you use it. Read, think, assess. You're smart. You know it, and I know it. Thanks to the internet, we are all our own research specialists. You know what you're using, and you know what's good and bad.
     Before I go, let me hit you with a fact. Bleach destroys 100.00% of germs on a surface for a period of time. Our green cleaning product (green seal certified) kills 99.99% of germs on a surface for a period of time. Now, excluding places that absolute disinfection is a must like a hospital, dentist, or doctor's office, are you willing to use a chemical that, when mixed with ammonia, creates poisonous chlorine gas?
     Think about it.

     Oh, and P.S.: Pure chlorine is an "all natural" element in its gaseous form, by the way. Oh, and I'm pretty sure even though it's all natural it isn’t green seal certified.

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